All About Us. . .

We are the Binghams--We have been married for 18 years! Wow--how did that happen? We have four awesome kids--Hillary (16), Kaleb (14), Brayden (11), and Alyssa (10).

We live in Plain City, where we have been for four 1/2 years. We love it here--our neighbors, our ward, and our friends. We especially love being close to our families.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I love fall. I love when it is just cool enough that you need a sweater. It is a wonderful time of year when everyone starts thinking about what they are grateful for. I am grateful for my wonderful husband who is very thoughtful and good to me. I am grateful for text messages--it is fun to receive little texts from Lance throughout the day--I'm glad that he thinks of me when we aren't together! I am grateful for my children. Hillary has turned into a beautiful young woman in every way. She is such a good person. I'm proud that she is my daughter. Kaleb is a great kid. He must be really popular considering the amount of texts he puts out in a month. . . He is determined. When he gets something in his head, he won't stop until he gets it done. He is a hard worker when he wants to be! Brayden is awesome. . . He is always so loving and kind. He is good in so many ways. He is friends with everyone. Alyssa is fun. . .wants to be involved in everything. . .she wants to try it all. She is a night owl--gees, where does she get that? (Unfortunately not from her mother!) She is wonderful--we love them all!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Homework Homework Homework!!!

Sickness brings on Homework--will we ever catch up? I guess we better, because the end of the quarter is Oct. 30th. I'm so glad that Kaleb & Brayden are feeling better--only now Alyssa is sick--Dang Brothers! At least she can swallow pills. All she wanted all day was a popscicle for her sore throat--whatever will make my baby feel better! :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

H1N1 Flu :(

Kaleb was diagnosed with H1N1 yesterday--I came home from work to find the gas fireplace turned up full blast--it was 95 degrees in my house! I quickly turned it off and took poor Kaleb's temperature. It was 103 degrees and he was freezing--off we went to the dr. who quickly confirmed that he had the flu and was not to go back to school until next Monday.

Brayden came home today not feeling well with a low grade fever--here we go; I have a feeling that we are all going to get this awful disease! I don't want to get sick!!